
Riverbend Community League is non-partisan and does not act as a lobby group for non-league related issues. The league amplifies public engagement opportunities and information on topics of concern to its members. 
Rather than take individual position on issues presented to the Community League by members, the community advocacy director will provide information to community members about how an impartial Riverbend Community League can help or refer on to resources offered through the Edmonton Federation of Community Leagues or City of Edmonton. The community advocacy director can provide guidance and support to potential grassroots committees operating through the Riverbend Community League (eg. Brander Gardens Vision,  Brander Gardens Traffic committee).

The Brander Gardens Vision Committee was formed to unify community voices and concerns arising out of zoning changes and potential development in the neighbourhood. The resulting neighbourhood engagement led to the creation of a Brander Gardens Vision Document to help guide future development in the neighbourhood.

The Brander Gardens Traffic Committee was formed to address safety concerns for residents walking, biking and rolling through the neighbourhood. The committee partnered with the City of Edmonton Street Labs program to trial a number of potential initiatives including vibrant crosswalks, curb extensions and a narrow median.

Survey Results

April 2024
May 2024

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